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Property development, building and civil engineering

Pevac is a part of NBM-Amstelland NV, which occupies an exceptional position in the Dutch construction industry. With a workforce of 10,000 people and sales equivalent to $US 2.8 billion, the Group is prominent in property development, building and civil engineering and also in the supply of building products and materials.

The NBM-Amstelland organisation comprises almost 200 independent companies, each accountable for its own turnover and results. The operating companies are organised into 14 divisions, in turn grouped into 3 main divisions. NBM-Amstelland is also active through minority interests in 60 other companies and is part of more than 150 construction consortiums and 30 development organisations.

Hier uw referentieprojecten? Klik hier voor meer informatie. Het is gratis tot 2010, zonder verplichtingen en er loopt een tijdelijke actie tot 29 februari 2008: geen opstartkosten!

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Property development, building and civil engineering

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